What is covid 19?
Covid-19 is a new illness (respiratory virus) that affects lungs and airways, the viral infection is called Coronavirus. Coronavirus (first) emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, where there was a cluster of cases at an animal market.

(Image source: Google images)
The main symptoms of coronavirus are a fever and a dry cough, these are the ones you should be on the lookout for. Headaches, a sore throat, a change in taste buds, and diarrhoea have also been reported in some cases and there is a mounting speculation that a loss of sense of smell may affect some.
Coronavirus shares similar symptoms to a common flu i.e mild, cold-like symptoms, runny nose or sneezing. Studies have suggested there is a possibility and that people could potentially be infectious without knowing they are carrying the virus.

If you need medical help for any reason, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. If you suspect you have the virus you should self isolate yourself for 2 weeks and call 111 for medical advice.
Use friends and family for support, if you are a person of high risk you advised to NOT leave your home even for necessities.
(source: NHS and BBC news and 111 Online)
How is it spread?
Coronavirus is mainly spread through close contact with carriers of the viral infection, ingestion of the virus through the mouth, eyes and nose. You can also contract the virus by touching objects or surfaces with the virus on it.
Respiratory droplets are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, these droplets can land on your clothing, face, mouth etc. As it stands (April 1st 2020) there is no vaccination or cure available to the public.
The image below shows the impact of a common sneeze, most sneezes carry respiratory droplets which are not visible to the naked eye. These droplets can land on your face, hands and clothing.
The image below stresses the necessity of social distancing.

(Image source: Google images)
I’m guessing your next question is: “How do we protect ourselves during quarantine”. I’ve put together a list and guidelines issued via Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister and the NHS.
Stay indoors - social distancing
Do not visit friends or family
One form of exercise per day
Washing your hands for 20 seconds
Avoid using trains and buses.
Only leave the house for groceries, medicine or work
Here’s a link on how properly wash your hands:
Number of reported cases in real-time:

Image source: https://www.gov.il/en/General/corona_official
How Covid-19 affects me?
I'm a 24 year old Freelance Photographer based in London, I lead a fairly healthy and organised lifestyle. I monitor what I consume and workout twice a week, during this lockdown protocol I have decided to self isolate as I am a high risk person.
I suffer from a respiratory condition called Asthma, the main symptoms of asthma include wheezing, shortness of breath, tight chest and coughing. There may be times when the symptoms get better and times when they get worse, my asthma flares up during Winter or when I have a flu (cold).
I use asthma inhalers to ease my symptoms when they occur and In some cases inhalers can help to stop symptoms occurring. Asthma is caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. Asthma attacks can be triggered by things like allergies or smoke and in some cases thin air pressure.
During lockdown I’ve upped my vitamin intake, monitoring what I eat as much as possible, cleaning surfaces and objects I frequently use i.e mobile Phone. Light exercise indoors is also recommended, washing your hands as often as possible is instructed.
Socially - I'm connecting with friends and family online and using my time to read or write articles such as this. Spiritually I found myself praying more often, using verses from the bible to understand the current state of the world (this may help in times like these).
You can connect with me here:
Economic effects
Most large scale countries have issued direct instructions to citizens to isolate themselves, in the UK our Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued a lockdown on March 23rd. As it stands there is no “fixed end date”, If you don't adhere to the lockdown guidelines police enforcement may issue fines or sanctions.
A payment scheme for employees affected by Clovid-19 was announced by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak. The Coronavirus job retention scheme is a temporary solution open to all UK employers for at least three months starting from 1 March 2020. It is designed to support employers whose operations have been severely affected by coronavirus.
Employers can use a portal to claim for 80% of furloughed employees’ (employees on a leave of absence) usual monthly wage costs, up to £2,500 a month, plus the associated Employer National Insurance contributions and minimum automatic enrolment employer pension contributions on that wage.
The scheme is open to all UK employers that had created and started a PAYE payroll scheme on 28 February 2020.

Small Businesses
According to GOV.uk most small businesses will crumble during this period, loans and grants available to those affected. This scheme will span for at least three months, refer to the link below for more resources.

Self Employed and Freelancers Workers
As a freelancer photographer all my upcoming photoshoots have been postponed, aside from the financial impacts I’ve incurred socially my creativity has been stifled. I’m using my social media accounts to spread awareness about Covid-19, to promote other content creators and to promote my work.
There’re grants/support available to those affected:
So far the NHS has done a phenomenal job diagnosing and treating patients with the virus, workers are overstretched therefore overworked. As stated earlier there isn’t a vaccine for Coronavirus, to help the NHS deal with the rising number of patients staying indoors and self isolating is a best solution.
If you feel sick or unsure if you have the virus test kits can be sent to you free of charge, before visiting your local hospital you should call 111 for information and support .

Social aspects
During this quarantine period bars, restaurants and stores that do not sell necessities will not operate. All social gatherings will be cancelled excluding funerals. Citizens are instructed to not visit friends or family that do not live in the same household.
FAQ (frequently asked questions):

1. Can I go to the dentist, my GP or another medical appointment?
You can leave home for medical appointments.
GP practices may postpone non-urgent health checks or routine appointments.
2. Can I walk my dog / look after my horse?
Yes, if you’re alone or with members of your household.
3. Should I stay at home or go to work?
You may travel for work purposes, only if you cannot work from home
4. Can I see my friends?
No, we must use social distancing to stop the spread of the virus
5. Can I visit elderly relatives?
No, you should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home.
You should keep in touch with them using phone or video calls.
6. Can I go out to help a vulnerable person:
Yes if you are well and have no symptoms
You are under 70
You are not pregnant
You are not a high risk person.
7. Can I move house?
Homebuyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while measures are in place to fight coronavirus.
For more information please visit:
Thank you for reading this article, if you have any questions or need support please email: renaitreborn@gmail.com we are here to help.
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John Renait
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